Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 13-Goals

 So usually peoples goals revolve around becoming something they havnt been before. This year in my life I want to focus on getting back some of those attributes I used to have. Although I know I definetly need to not be as adventourous (sometimes reckless) I loved who I was for most of my college years. I constantly had fun laughed a lot and got a ton done. I was out exploring caves or other random places practically everyday. So this year I want to get back to that girl I once was (of course with lots of added common sense!
(Not in a particular order and not in the time frame I plan to complete, a lot of these are more things I want to do this year)
-Get that spark back I once had.
-Be the best darn social worker there ever was.
-Get married in the temple( this doesn't mean this year!)
-Get my masters degree.
-Let myself love again.
-Be that crazy free girl in the Tye dye shirts doing cartwheels through a field.
-Hike like I used to.
-DANCE everywhere this year
-Make it work
-Raise my children the best way I can. Apply all that I've learned. Be that mom I've dreamed of being.
-Get that feeling
-Travel the world
-Read more
-Stop dyeing my hair
-Write in my journal more
-Start a summer camp for kids with developmental delays
-No skin cancer!
-Learn to play an instrument for real this time
-Own the home of my dreams
-Serve a mission with my future husband
-Take art classes
-Have a room my kids can just paint whatever they want in
-Have a library room, with books filling every wall
-Convert an old church building into a beautiful unique home
-Have my kids go on missions/ get married in the temple.
- Act on my Wanderlust
-Take my children to places that open their minds and expand their perception of their world.
-Save enough for my kids schooling
-Write a book (books??? probably)
-Do a triathalon
-Do the Death Valley bike ride
-Sew a king size quilt
-Stop straightening my hair
-Help save souls
-Go to all the major art museums in the world.
-Not suck at Sodoku
-Have a huge garden that's all my own
-Become a better cook
-Start a non-profit
-Get at the point in a relationship with someone where I realize the purpose of all the other relationships.

I could go on for a long time. Mainly live the best most fulfilling life possible.


Patrick said...

Good goals. Quite varied and awesome. Makes mine seem sheepish.