Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why the Inland Empire is amazing...

So I grew up in the area in Southern California known as the Inland Empire, and am now back after my time in college. So lots of time this area gets a bad rap from people who talk about smog, crime, blah blah blah, but I love it its my home. And theres plenty of beautiful and wonderful things to do. There's lots right outside of the I.E. that is more famous (Disneyland- 30 min from my home in Orange County, Hollywood, LA, San Diego etc)But theres tons of amazing and really cool things to do right here in the I.E. So begins my favorite things list...
 -When the rest of the U.S. is freezing is when it is green as green can be here and its 80+ degrees outside.
-Mount Rubidoux- This is a nice little hike in Riverside that produces an amazing view. There's a big cross on top and the view at night of the city is aaamazing.

-Lake Arrowhead- I did some work up here one summer and got to look out on the lake all day and was able to get a dark dark tan. Its beautiful, right by the lake theres this quaint little shopping town (My fav is the candy shop that sells the most amazing carmel apples.

-Mission Inn-This is California/Spanish style architecture at its best. The Christmas light festival every year is something me and my family never miss.
-Big Bear Mountain- So the Inland Empire is typically thought of as hooot. Which it generally is, but the San Bernardino mountain areas are considered part of the Inland Empire. And they can get lots of snow in the winter. In the summer they are beautiful- and even though there have been some wild fires the last 10 years or so that have made parts of our mountains not as picturesque there still is a lot to offer. I spent summers up in these mountains for girls camp and loved it.  And Big Bear offers some amazing snow for anyone who wants to snow board or ski.
-Palm Trees and Orange Trees EVERYWHERE. This area started out as orange groves , the city I grew up in (Rialto) was entirely orange groves for its early years. And it wouldnt be Southern California without Palm trees lining the streets.
-Lastly I would be ultra lame if I didn't point out the sunsets. So this may sound rediculous but growing up in Rialto which even I consider ghetto (but I love it, who doesn't need a little ghetto in them? I'm telling you I would not be as good of a dancer, or so comfortable in multiple situations if I hadn't grown up here) I dreamed of going somewhere amazing. Until I moved away and came back and realized that this area is amazing. A little smog makes for crazy colored sunsets. This picture was taken minutes from the house I grew up in, and I love it.

I could go on for a long time, lets just say I love this area. and hope to one day buy myself a cute little craftsman and or Spanish style home somewhere in Riverside. I love it hope I represented it well


Patrick said...

You have presented a considerably strong argument for I.E.'s awesomeness. When you gonna take me on a tour???