I am guilty of allowing circumstances and people affecting my testimony in negative ways. Dont get me wrong my testimony has always been inside me, but I have let it waver at times when I was dating certain boys or when I was living in certain places. I decided back in April I wasnt going to let that happen anymore. I'm not going to let my priorities get skewed because a cute boy comes along or because I end up living somewhere that is a little more difficult to stay strong than Rexburg. I wont be that anymore. I've realized since I ended an extremly serious relationship back in April that NOTHING is worth it if you come away from it with a smaller testimony, if you feel less uplifted when your with someone then you probably should try to figure out why that is and if you should stay with them. And then you never look back to them. You move on and you change your life. In the book Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert puts wonderfully what love can be like and what its purpose is even if that person isnt right, she says..
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master..."
For me thats what the boy did for me,and still continues to do for me. But it wasnt him that made me change my life. It was my Heavenly Father, and he recognizes so much more in me than I have even a tiny comprehension of. I dont know where my life is going but he does, and I cant let my own stupidity ruin what he has in store for me.
The Rexburg, ID temple, Rexburg is the place that changed my life, opened my eyes about art, history, love, nature and life in general. It is beautiful in every way, and I hope I get to take my children to study at the University there one day.
Thanks for this! I needed it! (It kind of reminds me of group class)
Your writings are wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to read mine! I'm in the process of a book so I've chosen to put my focus there. But when I get messages like yours I'm tempted to work on both. ;-) Have you seen my youtube videos at TheSamuraicoach? Enjoy. It's so very great to hear from you!! Love, Tracy
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