Friday, December 17, 2010

Tell me what I'm looking for

So since I'm officially done with college now I'm told I'm supposed to get a real job and settle down and do those things that grown up supposedly do. I currently don't know what I'm doing with my life and have always lived extremely spontaneously and haphazardly especially these last few years. I seriously have spent these last few years not knowing where in the world my life would be the next day. I had so many huge changes and times in my life these last few years where it seriously was a complete turn around in my life path in one days time (if any of you know me really well remember back in April? Yep that almost move to Northern California all night drive and the complete change of my life at 5 in the morning? thank goodness Heavenly Father helps me at all hours of the day because I cant believe I made it through that transition). I've felt like its all been a whirlwind and to be honest this last year which has had the most intense, dramatic and emotionally draining experiences of all has worn me out and left me feeling like its hard to make plans and that i still have no idea what I need. My good friend Kyle Wismer ( who has been there with me through some of the craziest times of my life, and seen the ups and downs of my relationships with a certain two boys) told me he knew what I'm looking for. He quite simply said "You need stability. Just not in the form most think. You're an awesome girl, who is all over the place. Likes to be spontaneous. But you still want and need something stable and reliable in your life". Ok seriously I said Kyle you are always there to give deep insight and most people don't know that about him. I've gone so long living crazily going from insane relationship to another, having life plans be completely unstable, and living everyday like its just a complete party. Of course I'm spontaneous and I always will be but I need just one thing in my life thats stable-besides the gospel of course. Because without any sort of stability it leaves me feeling confused, at a loss and unable to make a decision because I have no idea what my future holds. Now I just need to find that something stable and reliable, because I love doing whatever I feel like, having adventures and living life a little on the edge but I need something that grounds me. Guess that's what I really am looking for- thanks Kyle