Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year New Life

This last year has been a whirlwind in my life. From the beginning and ending of relationships, school, new places and new faces it has all been an adventure. The new year is always a great time to reexamine and to set new goals. This year I feel I am in particular need of some extreme and drastic goals.This last year was rough for me in a lot of ways so I feel like I'm still reeling from that. So in order to get my life back to where I want it to be I've already started and I'm feeling so much better about where things are going! Seriously it feels so good to get your life on track and make it even better then before it started slipping. So some things I'm going to work on....
1. Don't look back. There was a Mormon message type video about Lots wife . And it got me thinking that in everything we do and the disappointments and struggles in our lives- we often look back on things and dwell on them which makes the negative impact from them even greater. If we are so focused on how a relationship ended or how we could have done better on an class we took 3 years ago we are stunting our growth by focusing on things we cant change, when we could be focusing on things we actually have in our control now.
2. Be redicuoulsy happy!!! I love being happy and I love doing what makes me happy. But like anyone else sometimes I let my happiness be affected by how others treat me or by situations. A newspaper article my mom gave me when I went to college about dating the right people and becoming the right person to date said essentially that dont ever let your life get to the point where only another person can make you happy. And dont let anyone tell you that you are the only one that can make you happy. Happiness  doesnt come with situations, people, money or anything else. It is a state of being- So I'm going to make it my mission this year to keep being my redicously happy self and to not let even for a moment the outside forces try and make there way in and ruin my happiness.
3. Further commit myself to strengtheneing my testimony and others. Ok so I am so greatful to be a member of the true church and for the knowledge I have of my Savior. But I am totally slacking on sharing it with others!! Man seriously. The thing that helped me realize that the most was a friend I was able to spend a few weeks with this summer in California and Vegas. His name is Travis and never in my life have I met someeone who incorporated missionary work so much into his everyday life. Every morning he prayed to have a missionary experience and everyday I was with him we did! It was amazing. He had been off his mission for a few years and still was so set on sharing the gospel with everyone he met. I have never had the chance to share my testimony with so many nonmembers and while I was slightly uncomfortable I realized that I shouldnt be. The gospel is the greatest thing in my life and I should never be hesitant to share it with everyone I meet.
4.Help my  health. This last year I realized how much my mental state of mind affects my physical health. And when I date people I dont want to be with, or am doing things against my beleiefs or what I really want to be doing with my life my physical health suffers. And thats what most people dont realize. If you are menatlly healthy your physical helath will imporve and vice versa. I have never felt quite as healthy as I did Summer of 09 when i was bike riding 20 miles every other day and 50ish every weekend and doing yoga. I felt so good and this all contributed to my happiness. I want to get back to that point of pushing myself physically and mentally. Because I have way to much energy to waste it sitting in front of the tv or doing other things of that sort.

Well those are the main ones, and I'm hoping that this year brings about a lot of advancement in my career as well. I'm so grateful that the new year has come and for all the opportunities and blessings I feel that I get every year. People ask how I've been able to have some of the experiences I've had- I joke that its luck but I know its really just my Heavenly Father looking out for me and deciding to bless me even when I don'treally deserve it :) May this year bring all of you everything you need, and may it be an incredible life changing experience.